Thursday, April 28, 2005

you're stepping on my storage solution

a few weeks ago i came to the proud realization that i care more about shoes than real estate. this realization stemmed from my irritation with the 6,000 or so people i know (or don't know) compelled to offer the unsolicited advice that only idiots rent, and that if i were at all financially savy i'd buy a condo already. this advice is almost as intolerable to me as the prolific, "you should go on j-date."

so i've been walking around feeling pretty liberated about admitting that i'd rather have stuff than financial security... but i seem to already have enough stuff, and apparently need new ways to divert the disposable income that i'm decidedly not diverting to a buy-a-house savings account.

that diversion, it turns out, is storage solutions.

i have to give my blogmate credit for this one, as she's the one who showed me that people like us are allowed to crazy at target, filling our (rented) homes with stylish, faux-pottery-barn accent pieces which conveniently house the crap that we already have (and are a little bit ashamed of).

what i hadn't anticipated as i embarked on my quest to find the perfect container for my millions of picture frames, is that stylish leather storage solutions took over the market and then crashed out of style so quickly that you can't even find them anymore, except in weird shapes and colors at the discount store. after extensive searching, interrupted by lots of drooling over shoes, i finally found the perfect basket-thing, only to catch my blogmate using it as a footstool to get a closer look at the orange plastic martini glasses with matching dishtowels.

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