Monday, May 09, 2005

the world is his supermarket

mb seems to be adapting well to life in chicago. just 3 months into his job downtown, and he's managed to find a new sandwich place that happened to be offering free lunches on the day before opening as training for their staff, a new pretzel place handing out free demo pretzels, a new chocolate place offering samples, a haircut place that offers free "maintenance" (now that he's a customer, when he doesn't need a full haircut but just a sideburn trim or neck clean-up, they'll do it for free without an appointment), a couple of free chicago tribunes from various things... so basically the loop is just one big pick 'n' save (or insert the name of your favorite grocery chain). incidentally, how great is it that liquor stores in chicago on fridays seem to all offer free samples?

more exciting for me was the big shiny box of chocolates that arrived on the day mb visited the chocolate-sampling place. slightly less exciting was the discovery that the chocolate place's new staff managed to give him a sugar-free chocolate box by mistake. it made for an amusing exchange of each of us biting into a piece of chocolate, giving each other that polite "thanks, grandma, for the socks" smile before we realized we weren't eating substandard chocolate but in fact were the luckiest diabetics ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think the next task on mb's agenda should involve compiling lists of food and drink specials such that on any night of the week he (and and the rest of us) knows where to find $1.50 longnecks and sub-$2 burgers.