Friday, July 29, 2005

power trip

i seem to have gotten to a place at work where people do something they've never done before: listen to me. it's odd. i'm not a terribly loud person, and my prevailing theory on work so far has been

1) don't screw it up so badly that i get called to any of my million bosses' offices (try saying "bosses' offices" five times fast)
2) don't do so terribly well that i call too much attention to myself and draw extra work
3) try not to make enemies
4) try not to make such good friends that i get hit on by same-sex co-workers who send me flowers and wine

so far i'm running 75%. but my point is that i try to fly under the radar. how, then, is it that in the past 72 hours, that when i ask a question i get an answer, and when i wonder if everyone could just be quiet and reasonable for a minute, people are actually quiet and reasonable, and when i have something to add to a conversation, people pay attention? all, really, in the last 3 days. i am the same person. and let me be clear that at work, i am definitely a lowly minion. (not a peon anymore, as ng has pointed out, but the next step up.) it's starting to get to my head already, i think - i've come just short several times of telling other arguably-more-important minions exactly what i think of their ideas.

so i need suggestions on what to do with this fun power while it lasts. my thoughts?

1) convince my underlings to launch peta-like crusade to free all the trapped office paper into the wild where it belongs
2) give everyone ridiculous, slightly degrading nicknames and refuse to call them by their real names (hmm, sounds like this blog!)
3) count how many days in a row i can find someone to go and bring me a cookie without asking me why i can't get off my butt and do it myself
4) something involving my power drill, which i bought excitedly a year ago and have never used

taking ideas.


Unknown said...

I know! MB, Jo or Na (I'm not sure which posted this) and you (Jo or Na) should terrorize the city. By this, I fly around, throw buses at people, and generally freak people out. Then get the strongest person who wears blue tights and a cape to fight you, but make him lose and say "Kneel before Jo (Na?), and extend hand. That way, you can leapfrog the the middle management and all the way over the exploiters to rule the whole world, known as "Huston".

If I were you, I would make them get cookies for you. Cookies fucking rule!

Unknown said...

Sorry for the poor grammar. It's hard to proof things in this damn little box.

Unknown said...

And the poor spelling in the second comment. I'm having a difficult day, grey-matter speaking.