Wednesday, August 24, 2005

the bottom of the barrel

i came home from work the other day feeling particularly defeated and decided to curl up on the couch in my favorite pink pajama bottoms to drown my sorrows in three-buck-chuck and spend some quality time with the gilmore girls. i eyed the half-empty bottle of wine on the counter and weighed my options. sure i could do the civilized thing and use a glass, but i'd finally finished washing a giant pile of dishes. for a second it seemed reasonable- nobody would have to know that i'd sunk so low. i'm not sure how long i stood there in the kitchen having an internal debate about whether i was ready to give in and become a completely barbaric pig, but i somehow managed to come to my senses and decided that if i was going to drink alone on the couch at 6:30 on a weekday the least i could do was to use stemwear.


Unknown said...

You should have skipped the stem. When you feel blue, best go the whole nine yards and drink from the bottle. You would then be the best you could be, thus shoving your sour mood in all those cheery peoples' faces.

Aasa said...

Ha ha ha!
Next time just dive right into it
I could even join you in there some time
Sad alone drinking can be fun actually
PS: Very funny and good writing. Like your blog.