Saturday, February 11, 2006

leather club chairs and the people who buy them

the more i think about it, the more it seems that none of us are as edgy as we think we are. we make all sorts of lifestyle choices that we think separate us from the crowd, but really we're picking the same things as everyone around us, because, well, those things are better.

my blogmate and i first stumbled onto this postulate a few months ago as we goaded ourselves into a frenzy- i don't think that anyone we know actually said this, but we were annoyed about the theoretical statement "my style is pottery barn," as if that were a reflection of actual taste. we ranted on about brushed nickel kitchen fixtures and the people who buy them- arguably our friends are those people, and we will no doubt become those people given enough time and pay raise. and believe me, it's not that i claim to be above it. after all, i was right there with everyone else ordering gin and tonics like it was my idea... and i'm sure i was at the front of the line to buy the buena vista social club CD.

at the end of the day, i think it's just too much work to veer too far off the beaten path- it takes time and commitment, and a preference for things that can be a little painful to appreciate i.e. elvis costello or sea urchin. nonetheless, i often catch myself trying to paint a cooler version myself, as if it takes aesthetic effort to listen to death cab for cutie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would bet that one of you [is there a protocol for this?] was actually with me at Canal Place watching the Buena Vista Social Club movie. In which case I think we tied for being at the front of that particular uber-trend.

I have some friends here in Blighty who veer pretty far--their stairway in their house are decorated with posters for 1970's Japanese porn movies. So it can be done. But they also have brushed nickel.