Monday, May 22, 2006

yours in hating everything,

as i've previously mentioned, i've recently picked up the habit of serially text-paging my blogmate messages that only say "i hate everything" or some variant thereof.

please add weather to the list of things that i hate.

as my blogmate recently pointed out, i compulsively check my email every morning when i wake up. what my blogmate probably doesn't know is that like clockwork, when i'm done checking my email i check the weather forecast.

but there's no point. in addition to never having any email at 5:30 in the morning (unless my blogmate was up late and desperately needing to tell me something), the weather has absolutely no bearing on my life.

though i resent, in theory, the fact that it's late may and still consistently darned cold outside, neither rain, nor sleet nor hail change things for me at all. nice weather, nasty weather, either way i go to work and come home and only experience the weather for the duration of my drive down lakeshore. ok, i'm occasionally inconvenienced when it's raining as i walk the 12 yards between the parking lot and the door, but that's about it.

in fact, the impact the weather has had on me lately me is to 1) make me extremely resentful when people tell me how nice it is outside and 2) make me miserably sick for the last 6 days. not sick enough to keep me home from work. just enough to give me that crappy, death-warmed-over feeling.

my miserable allergy-attack-cold thing led me to walgreens today, where the guy behind the counter wouldn't sell me any generic sudafed because i didn't have ID. i'm two weeks from turning 29 and i'm getting carded for cold medicine.

i also hate cold medicine, my need for it, and my lack of ability to buy any.

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