Sunday, July 16, 2006

mb:1. sea lions: 0.

you will all be happy to know (and unsurprised if you know him) that mb did not get eaten by sea lions today in the alcatraz challenge. in fact, he thinks he took 17th place overall and 3rd in his age group. this for a 1.5 mile swim through choppy sea water and a 7-mile run up hilly switchbacks, none of which we actually have in chicago, so he did well.

meanwhile, back at the ranch, i have to learn that just because i am biking on roads and paths with many other people this weekend, that does not give me free license to mumble obscenities like i typically do while driving. on my bike people can actually hear me, which has been problematic. a very surprised triathlete putting on his socks certainly did hustle to get out of my way, though.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Third in age group--impressive! LOL at the obscenities and clearing the biker from your path.

Anonymous said...

His fan will be pleased to hear about this. -sm

jo-na said...

i am glad to hear that mb didn't get swallowed whole by sea lions, but sad that you didn't manage to direct some of your psychologically scarring insults at my skinny, shirtless crush and his skinny, annoying girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

What's this about skinny and shirtless? -sm

jo-na said...

it wasn't in a good way.

N. said...

How did he finish 3rd in his age group but only 17th overall? Did he get beat by several retirees? Alcatraz challenge is the new golf!

jo-na said...

as it turns out, mb gets third in his age group all the time, no matter what the event, but always for different reasons. sometimes it's because a rabid pack of pre-teen boys (eww!) has killed him in the run; other times it's because retirees have more time and money to spend on fancy gear -- not so much for this event, but in biking events there's a direct correlation between awesomeness of bike and awesomeness of biker. also, the age groups are little. 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, that sort of thing. and mb is, well, he's getting more distinguished.

that being said, i'm still laughing at the idea of all the florida retirees heading to the bay for a 1.5 mile swim, although not savoring the idea of my grandmother in a kevlar suit or whatever wetsuits are made of. i don't even savor the idea of me in that thing.