Thursday, August 03, 2006

back to the drawing board

series of exchanges had today during statistics class:

me (to classmate): *something non-committal about stats ta, who i did not tell classmate that i have been considering as a potential set-up for a couple of my friends.*
classmate: "[stats ta] needs a girlfriend."
me: "you know, if i knew that he were single, i'd try to set him up with someone."
classmate (confused): "really? but [stats ta] is a big dork!"
classmate (again, light bulb on): "then again, i guess that's better in some ways. i guess my husband is kind of a dork."
me: [say nothing, try not to agree even though i know her husband, who is bald and wears bowties, and is, in fact, a dork]
classmate: "i guess... hey, didn't you just tell me that your boyfriend does SAS for work? so he's a dork too!"
me (sorry, mb): "yeah, he's cute, but he's kind of a dork."

*enter stats ta and professor. professor makes lame math jokes. stats ta laughs.*
me (to classmate): "mathematicians have no sense of humor."
classmate: [says nothing, engrossed in class, better student than i]

*enter other guy in class i have been vaguely considering as set-up potential for friends.*
me (to guy2): "mathematicians have no sense of humor."
guy2 (laughing at stats jokes): "[stats ta] is the (i kid you not) mac daddy."
me (to self): this place is hopeless.


from this afternoon i conclude that 1) mathematicians have no sense of humor, and 2) neither do people involved in summer statistics classes.

sorry, girls. i tried, but even if they're single you can't have these guys. i couldn't take it.


Anonymous said...

my blogmate is good to me. she relentlessly scouts her newly acquired brainy milieu (which she knows i secretly covet) for potential boys for me... and she's pretty good at screening for tragic flaws.
but in her recent dork triage, she may have been maintaining higher standards than i myself expect.i say this after taking my sweet time walking past the lab research building. i all but stopped in my tracks to gaze at the lab geeks.

Anonymous said...

my good blogmate, you know full well i screen your potential boys for people i would like to hang out with, and as such my standards run toward sporty and beer-loving. but although i tried to put a nice spin on why you can't have guy2, i have two words: arm hair. the short sleeves came out last week, much different from dress clothes. doh. give me a scruffy badly dressed grad student type any day, but no carpet.

which brings me to a new question- sm, where r we at with the 'tern?

Anonymous said...

Arm hair I'll give you, but what's wrong with the guy who laughs at math jokes? I was with both of you when another one of you was all "and the heartrate was 137!" The context was "man, these new kids know nothing," but still, you all have a tendency toward the dorky as well. And so far you haven't established why math joke has crossed the dorky/too-dorky threshold.

And no news. My witty email received no response. Maybe he's gone, maybe he's a jackass, probably both. It's all right, I specialize in hot/cold. Or perhaps lukewarm/cold. And, Spike's really working it lately. -sm

Anonymous said...

point taken.

i am all for insider lame jokes.

but you have to admit it's weird when there's one guy with a very "bueller... bueller..." type voice droning on, occasionally making some lame joke in the middle of a lecture that nobody understands but the ta, and the entire class is sitting stupefied, mouths hanging open, and the only person with the prof is the ta who's just chuckling appreciatively at the front of the room. it does make me want to throw little balled-up pieces of paper at him.

i think the real reason for the threshold is not the math joke, as much as that the math joke is emblematic of the bad t-shirts and first masters' degree in womens' studies from south korea.

Anonymous said...

So--we made plans for next week. :) But then he asked me for some legal advice. :( Dude, I'm trying to have a fling, not add your friends' stupid problems to my considerable docket. And, by the way, you're a lawyer too. -sm

jo-na said...

well, maybe he's just trying to keep conversation going. some people aren't good at small talk. other people don't talk to boys when they're parked in the middle of a whole crowd of sweaty attractive men, despite their being well-positioned to do so. i'm just sayin'. so where r u going?

Unknown said...

Christ Almighty, from fun-loving space girl to Nazi Femme Fatale?

I'll run the other way now.

Anonymous said...

I'm coming to jo-na's defense. "Sweaty" and "attractive" are pretty much mutually exclusive in my book. And your man-eating dog scares me. -sm

Anonymous said...

i'm conflicted.
i should probably own up to my complete and utter flirting failure, as i truly was surrounded by cute, sweaty men (not mutually exclusive in my book - sorry sm), feeling pretty good about my biking and running self...
but on the other hand i feel i should be cut some slack since at least i showed up and ran, and some people might find my transient lack of adolescent-caliber-boy-craziness refreshing...
that said, my blogmate really is a good wingman.

jo-na said...

is that better?

jo-na said...

also, sm, you're avoiding question. where r u going with the 'tern? and how can you not acknowledge the cuteness of the sweaty running men? i'll give you that sweaty out-of-shape men in saunas or bars are yucky, but being surrounded by runners? that doesn't do it for you? my blogmate is forgiven for her blatant disregard of my most awesome wing-girl strategizing, but i just expect her to go back there with me again.

h(p), i changed pets just for you.

Unknown said...

Much more suave, in sense. I had friends who had a german shepherd when I was a kid. It was mean.