Friday, August 11, 2006

darwin (award nominee) for president?

we don't generally post anything political on our blog, but this is amazing. i have some questions:

1. a zinc mine?
2. really?
3. a zinc mine?


N. said...

Make sure you note the by-line for that article:

Peter Schweizer is [...] author of Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy.

jo-na said...

i know, i think the hoover institution is a conservative think tank, and when i googled "al gore zinc mine" i got a bunch of links to the media research center (i think pretty much like hoover institution) and the like...

is it actually true?

'cause if it is:

a zinc mine???

Unknown said...

Eeeek! I think I liked the dominatrix with the dog better.