Friday, October 13, 2006

existential wedding bitch

there's no reluctance here. sign me up.
with big looming test just a week away what could be better distraction than a newly engaged blogmate?
my down-to-earth, feet planted on the ground friend can now frequently be found lost in time and space, gazing into the shining sparkles of her new pretty ring- satisfying for me since until now i've had the monopoly on whimsical musing.
plus, there's all sorts of planning... sans bridezilla... and i get to help.
the questions that arise:
how can she drink her morning bloody mary on wedding day without spilling it down the front of her dress?
if we go try on fancy dresses at saks do we actually need to look nice, or can we go nike-clad carrying bottles of evian, as if we do this all the time?
three cheers for low maintenance-ness.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your roommate! I hope you guys enjoy the planning, and that she doesn't become a bridezilla.

Anonymous said...

jo-na's already a bridezilla!

-sm (now reading blog posts with much more care).

Unknown said...

Sweet! Xena! Are you crying because Gabrielle died?

Anonymous said...

hee hee -- thanks, caryn, for the congratulations! let me assure you and also the not-so-observant sm that i am not and have no intention of becoming a bridezilla. :)

henry, the avatar is me, stuck in texas, trying to fight texas and failing. my blogmate and i are here for a board review course -- more on that soon. who's gabrielle? wait, maybe you want to have this dialogue with my more pop-culture-informed blogmate... i defer.

Anonymous said...

is your exam done yet? -sm

Unknown said...

congratulations! this calls for pie!