Wednesday, November 01, 2006

escape hatch

in planning a highly anticipated, yet potentially awkward saturday morning breakfast date this weekend i decided it was probably wise to install some kind of solid bail-out plan should i have the sudden need to, well, bail.

the first idea was to make some sort of work-date with my blogmate, whose help i legitimately (and quite desperately) need in fixing my large, mostly defunct set of research data (to answer questions like, "why are my patients' ages coming out in negative numbers?). it seemed like that was sort of a triple-threat excuse: 1) get out of date, 2) project enough dorkiness to make myself repellant, and 3) fix broken data set.

but then an even better proposition came along. a few weeks back i gave my good friend dh a bit of a scolding for his ambivalence about missing his league football game to go watch the one-time showing of his sister's movie at the gay and lesbian film festival. assuming that i'd actually be busy or out of town or something i told him i'd go with him for moral support, as it seemed unlikely that any of his fellow recreational football players would be willing to accompany him.

dh, of course, remembered this promise and called the other day to remind me of the 2pm saturday movie time. his suggestion was that if the date was going well i could just bring him along to the movie with me. in my violent rejection of this plan i perhaps mis-prioritized, starting with 1) "angry lesbian movie is probably not good first date material", and 2) "no way am i exposing this guy to YOU and your unfilteredness."

dh was understandably wounded. "wow, that's pretty harsh! are you REALLY saying that i'm WORSE than the gay and lesbian film festival?!?"

fair enough, but as it turns out the date is a no-go, leaving me alone with my garbled data and some serious art film to look forward to.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You can always bring a little pen light and printouts of your data to the film and work on it there. That is if your friend won't get that "She's pissing me off, but I'm not going to show it" look.

Or you may really enjoy the movie.