Sunday, April 08, 2007

warm fuzzy holiday greetings

not all of us celebrate spring holidays with baskets of pastel eggs and chocolate bunnies. in an effort to integrate the holiday season, and having recently attended both an amazing yummy seder at my blogmate's place and a quirky easter get-together with 98-year-old grandpa, i would like to present the following reasons why it doesn't really matter which holiday you celebrate this season:

seder: matzo ball soup - chicken stock with mysteriously delicious balls of flavored dough.
easter: italian holiday soup - turkey stock with mysteriously delicious balls of flavored beef.

seder: extra table setting and cup of wine for elijah's coming.
easter: extra 1/2 hour of conversation about my father, and why he isn't coming.

seder: while sitting around the table, learn the story of exodus, wait to find out who starts snickering first at the word "bondage."
easter: while sitting around the table, learn that uncle and partner recently attended the international men of leather festival in chicago.

seder: reminisce about last seder's grilled turkey, which tasted suspiciously (deliciously but sacrilegiously?) like the sausage that had been recently cooked on the same grill.
easter: delight to discover that grandpa now makes turkey by stuffing the whole thing with bacon.

seder: drink 4 glasses of wine, become unable to see straight to drive home.
easter: drink 4 cups of coffee, become unable to sit still to drive home.

seder: friend comes in with surprise gift of manischewitz-flavored chocolates for our gracious hostess.
easter: grandpa starts telling stories about friends back in the old country coming to him with surprise gift of 40 chickens.

seder: learn fun facts about your friends, like their new condos and love of existential literature.
easter: learn that grandma's relatives used to be in the mafia. (sorry, but what parallel can you draw for that one?)

seder: wake the next morning a little hungover, vow not to drink so much for a little while.
easter: immediately afterward, buy several 6-packs of beer and vow to not open them at least until getting home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog has gone seriously downhill. I'm just sayin. -sm