Tuesday, January 15, 2008

road chicken revisited

as much as i love street food and adventurous eating in general, i have to give credit where it's due and admit that i didn't get here by myself. but for my fearless and inspiring blogmate (and our adventures on st. lucia) i doubt i'd have this kind of palate.

having said that, i'm feeling pretty good about my recent culinary adventures, and am starting to piece together a theory that when it comes to eating in thailand, the answer might be to go for the thing that sounds the most disgusting. i took baby steps at first. it wasn't immediately obvious to me that spicy papaya salad would be so delicious, but now it's one of my daily staples. i then moved on to the fruit-ginger-beet milkshake, another good choice. until today, the reigning favorite was the fish sausage at the sunday walking street in chiang mai, and victory made sweeter by the fact that i successfully got my initially horrfied and disbelieving guest-house neighbors to concede to its wonderfullness.

now i'm on ko samui, where upscale seafood joints are a dime a dozen. i was worried that sticking with my $2/meal and pointedly low-brow standards would relegate me to a week of ho-hum pad thai, but when i stumbled upon the hat lamai nightly market i saw my dining prospects brighten considerably. after warming up with some BBQ chicken (and yes, more papaya salad) and took a deep breath and ordered the fried mussels. i understand that you have to be of a certain disposition to even think such a thing sounds tasty... but imagine my delight when i watch her scramble an egg in and serve the whole thing up with a side of bean sprouts, green onions, and little baggies of bright red sauce. hands down the current front-runner in the best dinner in thailand race.

if this trend continues i may have to reconsider my staunchly anti- pork-ball stance.


jo-na said...

as your vicariously-living blogmate who generally takes no credit for your culinary curiosity, i have to ask: why such a hater with the pork-balls? what's not to love about mystery pig, ground and rolled? if i weren't stuck here at work i'd be leading the charge.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You really are going for stuff that doesn't sound very appetizing! I'm glad it's far exceeding your expectations. And congrats on broadening your tastes. That's something to be proud of.

jo-na said...

i'm just putting out there that our friendly vegetarian co-worker whose family has lived in bajillions of developing countries thinks that pork balls are safer than spicy papaya salad. provided they're cooked, especially if they're fried.

Anonymous said...

well, apparently i don't even buy into my own theory, pork balls notwithstanding (tomorrow's the day for those as i've found a vendor who puts them into soup, rather than serving them straight up on a stick).
i just could bring myself to opt for the following potato chip options today:
seafood mayonaise
spicy BBQ squid
i did, however, go nuts with the prawn flavor, and tomorrow may try the intruiguing pepper steak variety, or the more enigmatic "extra" BBQ flavor.