Tuesday, August 21, 2007

karma's a bitch

on my way out to run errands yesterday, i stopped at the ups store to deliver a package to jz up in thiensville. as i pulled up to the ups store, an suv blocked the loading zone, leaving me with nowhere to park; i was in a hurry, and the only spot i could see was right in front of the fire hydrant at the end of the block. "i'll only be here 2 minutes," i thought to myself, "and if there's an actual fire while i'm here, i will notice and move the car. i am not a bad citizen."

so i parked in front of the hydrant, delivered my package successfully, strolled back to the car, and was just putting the car in drive, when -- i'm not kidding -- two big fire trucks were barrelling down on me from either side of taylor street.

"%$#@!!!" i thought. "they want my fire hydrant! i'm not a bad citizen! i'm not a bad citizen!" thinking as quickly as i could, i veered around the corner into the side alley near the hydrant to clear the way for the fire rescue team...

...only to discover that what they wanted was actually *not* my hydrant, but the alley that i'd just entered. at the end of the alley was another fire truck. i pulled into a driveway to turn around, and realized that i was now pinned in between two fire trucks, and the fire was in an apartment building on that street. i think the fire truck actually moved out of the way a little so i could sheepishly sneak my car out of the way.

i feel small sitting in a sports coupe in chicago in general, what with being surrounded by suv's all the time... but that's nothing compared to being pinned in by 3 big fire trucks.

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