Tuesday, December 25, 2007

2007: a reality check

continuing in the year-end wrap-up, i tried to think of some more liberated-woman things i learned this year, but since i'm still so excited about the new make-up brushes that my blogmate just got me for christmas, i'm not feeling ready to blog about power tools. i have my very own personal drill that i bought myself before mb ever moved here, but that was a few years ago and i've still never actually used it. so instead, how about this?

things i did NOT learn during 2007.

1. "no, thank you; i'm still full from lunch." this seems appropriate since it's christmas morning and i'm still going full-force at the pile of cookies and ham. to be fair, the ham is has a honey-mustard-bourbon glaze on it, and the cookies, well... you know.

2. how to better assert myself on the household netflix queue: why is it that i have suggested lots of movies, yet the only things that show up are beerfest and historical epics about shooting and bleakness? after some whining, the muppets have finally made their way to the top, but overall the year could have been more movie-successful.

3. how to make it past the beginner level of guitar hero 3: to be fair, we don't have a wii or other game system apart from our awesome atari-flashback. and the only time i played was at my brother's place one weekend on his wii system. but upon hearing that my brother- and sister-in-law are enjoying their christmas gift of gh3 - so much so that bill ended up in the er getting a cortisone shot in his shoulder from his battle with slash - i want in on more of the action.

4. how to use a pressure cooker without explosions: see prior post by my blogmate re: me and my kitchen being covered in turkey stock and parsley. i know that i have to try again, but haven't done so yet.

5. how to regain my ability on a mountain bike: seems that i have gotten older and wussier this year. most mountain bike outings have resulted in whining and fear. what happened? bikemyers has been working on me to try out cyclocross, for its off-road biking without the singletrack and bouncing on rocks and such. we shall see.

i'm sure there are more, but your turn first.


Anonymous said...

hee. i love this game.

things i learned the hard way in 2007

1. disconnect circuit breaker _before_ sticking screw driver into light switch (see previous post, "the empire strikes back")
2. walk slower when the sidewalk is shiny. you'd think by my 8th midwestern wintern i would have figured that out before now.
3. put thawed fish back in the fridge if you decide not to cook it that day.
4. limit use of harsh acne medication to every other day. i've been trying to stand in solidarity with my sad, itchy blogmate in the search for the right product for winter face reconstitution, but i'm sure i'd be alot less peely if i could learn to live with the skin of an adolescent boy (see "office politics" 10/06 for more ways in which i am like an adolescent boy).
5. stop. close mouth. think before speaking. examples abound.

peaknits said...

You so have to come to my house in secret and we can work on your Guitar Hero skills - I beat Slash tonight (um, on my first try - sorry Bill), I feel like a rock star - albeit a little flaming glam rock boy - but whatever.