Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2008: a preview

i suppose it's kind of trite to post about new year's resolutions, but i needed an excuse to make some...

1. further explore the world of top-shelf bourbon
2. get eyebrows waxed more regularly, thus avoiding disapproving scowls of eyebrow waxing lady
3. settle screen-writer's strike... want pushing daisies back on the air... desperately
4. resist urge to buy brittany spears' new album
5. befriend person who owns a wii
6. befriend person who owns a boat
7. rehang poster that has been half hidden by bookshelf since july
8. acquire snow boots
8a. play in snow
9. find and root for sports team that doesn't totally suck

your turn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Netflix Wonderfalls. You get 13 additional episodes with Lee Pace.