Monday, February 25, 2008

bring me two pina coladas...

mb's friends are coming into town this friday to see a bonobo dj set at sonotheque. it should be a good time! in preparation for their arrival, this weekend we stopped to pick up a bottle of captain morgan. for the last several years, every time jk visits mb, it just so happens that mb has bought a new bottle of captain morgan. so now the cycle is self-propelling -- we know jk is coming; therefore, buy captain.

maybe it was time to let go. on settling the captain into our little home bar (which, for the record, is STILL STANDING despite having been assembled by yours truly, and was actually confused for a real piece of furniture by one of mb's fancy contemporary-furniture-loving left-our-wedding-early-just-to-shop-at-dania co-workers), i suggested that maybe, just out of curiosity, we should COUNT the bottles of rum in our possession.


2 bottles of light bacardi (one from our summer mojito stash, one leftover from the wedding booze), one bacardi select, two fancy venezuelan sippin' rums, two regular venezuelan rum-and-coke rums, one clear venezuelan rum (for this summer's anticipated mojito upgrade), some fun orange-flavored rum, some leftover coconut rum from st. lucia, a little bit of leftover chairman's reserve medium-good rum from st. lucia... and now the captain. granted, some of those are special from our honeymoon, and we're not looking to chug them in one night, but still.


we have officially declared a rum-a-torium on household purchases for the next several months. but obviously that's difficult for us... so consider yourselves invited. n, if you still read this blog, you and m should come over and help us try out the new juicer. fresh fruit mixers with exotic rum? mmm. i'll be so content, i won't even give you a hard time for not posting on your blog since september.

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