Monday, October 04, 2004

opening day

so how do you separate fact from fiction? did he really say that we were dating or did that just get extrapolated later? how many pregnant women can one highly specialized work force tolerate before it all just falls apart? are we really this bored?

welcome to the colloborative effort of two circus clowns (or something like that) who really ought to be sleeping. instead we've decided to unleash our collective proclivity toward filterlessness onto the unsuspecting public. perhaps we can inflict on you the uneasy sensation that we so often feel: vulnerable in a way that makes you uncomfotable.

no really. there are two of us. unrelated. un-entangled. too much spare time... or maybe not enough. here's our wisdom for the day (some is borrowed and some is our own creation)...

1) once your pants come off it's a whole new kind of awkwardness
2) there are no secrets in the age of google
3) beer beats fancy martini any day of the week
4) women can be sexy and drink bourbon at the same time
5) no matter how independent you think you are, AAA is a good thing
5.5) you can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
6) it's possible to get lost on a circular trail
7) don't ever throw a steaming hot turkey carcass into a plastic trash bag
8) you don't have to be jewish to make matzoh ball soup
9) there's nothing good about an office park
10) sometimes it really is just about the conquest
11) you have to ask yourself if you want the girl (or boy)
12) hot dog restaurants are only good from a distance (resist temptation!)
13) hmm... sounds like your alternator

that about does it.
tune in next time for the shallow girl's guide to trail running.
otherwise known as "don't ever leave your car in berwyn."

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