Thursday, October 13, 2005

ten things i hate about france

i suspect that it's misuse of the blog (disrespectful maybe) for me to dump out two weeks worth of accumulated observations and rants, mostly for the purpose of distracting myself from the unsavory thing that seems to be happening to my computer. as much of an internet junkie as i've become since my acquisition of DSL, i'm fairly uptight when it comes to downloading stuff, and am at a loss to explain why i've suddenly been invaded by some kind of nasty virus that in one feld swoop deleted half of my pictures (moments after i'd completed the laborious task of reorganizing them). i've been sitting here for the last two hours, agonizingly watching norton do his thing, and need to think about something else.

without further ado:

#1) bats
#2) stinky cheese
#3) public bathrooms
#4) the way that train platforms, underground walkways, and even secluded historical monuments all smell like public bathrooms
#5) lack of water pressure
#6) bunking with my grandmother (never in my life have i ever heard anyone snore so loud)

actually- i can't even come up with ten things. i'm a hopeless francophile and might as well admit it.

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