Saturday, December 03, 2005

at least i have netflix

ok, it's not that i mean to talk about boys all the time, but as long as these things keep happening i feel obliged to report them.

the other night i assembled a small army of wingmen and women and headed off to another night of south asian theater destined to elude me. you might wonder why i'd choose to drop an entire evening struggling to keep my eyes open through a staged reading of indian political drama. my purpose: stalking my newest crush- yet a another theater guy (this one, at least, is an actor, and a darn good one at that). arguably if i had known that we'd be ambushed into staying for the post-reading discussion i would have dedided that no boy was worth it. additionally, had i known that survival would only earn me ten of the most painfully awkward minutes of my life i would have realized that this particular boy was definitely not worth it.

from this rather painful experience i conclude:

that i'm 100% in agreement with my blogmate: the only function of post-theater/film discussions is for the snotty participants to basque in the sound of their own voices,


that i can't shoulder the burden of awkwardness when cute bengali actor actually concludes an already uncomfortable conversation with, "hey, a bunch of people are going across the street for, um, libations... but i'm not going... i'm going home."

seriously. three hours i could have spent watching buffy the vampire slayer.


Anonymous said...

in thinking about that whole exchange more, i think your bengali cutie makes me feel better about my own conversational skills. i mean, you did your part asking him about the meaning of the lighting effects at the end of the movie, and he responded with "oh, yeah, umm, i think that was for effect." come on, all the random audience members had more to say about the play than that.

somewhere in here there's a blog that wonders why these artsy types can't learn to play the part of someone who's calm, collected and smooth any more than us regular folk. or at least charmingly disarmed by the cute girl flirting after the play.

Lauren said...

i didn't know you were watching buffy! did you know that tony and i have seen all seasons of buffy, and own many? (and angel, too.) it was a sad day when we finished season 7.

Anonymous said...

i've been waiting for a few years now for the right time to become a buffy fanatic. i even considered investing in the 7 season box set (which can be yours for only $249.99 on now that i'm fully engaged in the project (wasting away the tiny shred of my youth that remains) i have to admit that, 1) really i'm just getting through the buffy as a bridge to watching angel, and 2)i can't seem to overdose on the tried and true theme of scantily clad teenagers behaving badly.

Unknown said...

Pisser. Your Brazilian, former Doctors Without Borders, now Internal Medicine Guru, who is worldy, but wants someone to show him the fine art of low-brow culture is just around the corner.