Tuesday, March 14, 2006

yoshimi battles the pink robots, part 2

i squished two more cockroaches yesterday.
this time they were actually living before i stepped on them.
feeling pretty strong... although the st. lucian nurse who heard me squeal for my blogmate's assistance might disagree.

in other news, to our friend nm who thinks mosquito nets are useful, i protest.
they do serve to make a romantic-looking hotel room for two, which was oh so useful for my blogmate and me. we looked really classy this weekend at the nice hotel room saying things like "ah yes, i do believe i'll have another round of pringles, brutus" with our non-fancy eats... but no actual avoiding of mosquitos.


Anonymous said...

Um, one of your alter egos has some seriously crazy hair. Bode got second in the downhill at Ares today. SM

jo-na said...

one of our alter egos has vaguely curly hair in chicago that turns into a special breed of fur in the heat here. tell your boyfriend congratulations for me. :)

Anonymous said...

I'd also like to let you know that Bode killed it in the super-g today. First place, baby.