anyway, i quickly had to shove the "why are the dell delivery guys idiots?" thoughts out of my head to make room for, "why does the lobby smell like feet?" and "why is the elevator making such creepy lurching movements and horrible sounds?"
i was feeling cranky about these things for a minute, but then i checked my email and immediately felt better. i'd like to formally thank my good blogmate (mgbm) for bringing her good friend sm into the mix... mostly because between mgbm and sm i now get TONS of emails.
to my extraordinary delight, sm loves many of the things i like, such as figure skating and boys. recently, she has joined me in compulsive buffy the vampire slayer watching. her play by play of the experience makes me 1) feel better about my own unhealthy obsession, 2) re-experience the entire series, and 3) have many messages in my inbox all the time. it's great.
sm has become so predictable in her buffy-related correspondence that when i got a completely anonymous text message on my cell phone that only read, "omg! oz is a werewolf?" i knew who it was and what it was about without any hesitation.
further enhancing my internet experience has been the fact that, despite having what i suspect is a fairly hectic work schedule, mgbm has been sending me many, funny little emails lately, mostly in the "i hate everything" variety.
so let's drink to mgbm, sm, friends with time to email, the internet, and buffy the vampire slayer... and angel, because he's hot.
i would make fun of your (and sm's) unhealthy obsession with buffy, and be mad at you for your recent attempts to convert mb over to buffy fan-dom, except that i'd currently rather be watching buffy than being stuck at work right now. i hate everything.
Don't hate because you don't know, unenlightened half of jo-na. We will win over mb or yb or however I should refer to him. And we will win you over too. People usually watch to shut me up, but they ALWAYS come around. Seriously, would I recommend a show sounding as lame as that starring a teenage demon slayer or a teenage detective if it weren't awesome in a life-changing way?
Next step for the enlightened half of jo-na: Veronica Mars. I'll bring it when we start watching Angel. You will love it, you will send me emails, and you will develop more parasocial relationships with television characters. Now, I must go, as angsty Angel is calling, and I always answer angsty Angel. -sm
And, ain't nothin unhealthy about it. -sm
i hate angst.
i hate precocious teenagers.
i hate detectives.
i don't really care for demons.
or their slayers.
or slayer, but that's beside the point.
what part of this am i going to like?
i don't understand. you WILLINGLY rented "you got served" with me, and sat there with me watching the shakira video over and over and over.
angsty precocious teenagers (i.e. pretty people behaving badly) are so viscerally satisfying to watch -especially when joss whedon is at the wheel and the diaglogue is so witty.
and funny horror is SO much more entertaining than real horror.
"...or their slayers.
or slayer, but that's beside the point...."
Oh, if only you knew. If only you knew. The dialogue is witty and the plots poetic and heartbreaking. And then there's the matter of Angel. He's hot on so many levels. Especially the physical one.
Why was I not invited to "You Got Served?" Even if the movie sucks, the dancing has to be interesting.
first of all, there really wasn't enough dancing in "you got served" to justify it's badness.
second, you didn't live here yet.
Since this is a Buffy thread with Buffy fanatics, I have a bit of a problem. Ok, Buffy is something like 17. She gets in on with Angel, who is something like 400. Is this illegal? Could he get his nuts cut off in prison for this? It just kind of seems wrong, no matter how much 90210 angst and witty Whedon comments weave into it.
honestly it had never occurred to me - i choose to believe that staturtoy rape laws don't apply to vampires. it all makes sense if you buy in to the goth mantra that the undead have powerful sex appeal.
The Sunnydale police don't exactly have their shit together, even if there were a law. She does call him her cradle-robbing creature of the night boyfriend at one point. And that's fan-bloody-tastic. But isn't there a larger problem--if you want to apply the law to the vamps, don't you have to apply the law to Buffy and her bad-ass killing self too? If the vamps have to operate within the confines of the law, shouldn't the law protect them too?
It's so way better than 90210 angst. It's a tortured soul, and a justifiably tortured one at that.
I forgot to sign that, but I'm pretty sure you know it's sm.
One thing that's great about television: If two people (or a vampire and one girl chosen to rid the world of all evil) are attractive enough, ages don't matter. I think about sleeping with 17-year-olds all the time, everyone does, that's why there is a law against it! This is just another example of TV escapism, along with poor characters never wearing the same outfit twice, waking up with perfect hair, and, uh, vampires.
Since I also own all 7 seasons on DVD, one thing most people don't realize is that Oz is a year older than Willow, so he's just as guilty as the 400 year old vampire, if you want to be annoyingly technical.
I'm currently watching the first season of 'Angel' now, which i've never seen before. I don't think it's good yet.
For more whedon goodness, you're welcome to borrow my 'Firefly' DVD set.
i call dibs on borrowing n's firefly DVDs!
other blog-half jo-na, i hope you realize you're becoming a non-buffy-loving outcast...
I have to fix something. Angel is under 250 years old, not 400. The cloven-hoofed Kokistas might be 400 or so.
I can't remember exactly Angel he got vamped, and I don't want to do too much googling because it's hard to avoid spoilers. I'll let you know when I find out again in Season 3. But it's not quite as pervy as you all think. ;)
My sources (i.e., other friends obsessed with Buffy and Veronica) tell me that Angel was born in 1727. -sm
nerds. all of you.
favorite point made so far: that statutory rape laws might not apply to vampires. i cannot comment on the sex appeal of the undead.
biggest assumption made so far: that everyone dreams of sleeping with 17 year olds. i will point out from a girl's point of view that 17 year old boys are not by-and-large terribly attractive.
clarification of stance: you got served has no angst or werewolves, just bad dialogue and dance. i said nothing about those. i never said i had taste, just that i don't like precocious teenage detectives or angst. why do we all suddenly love angst? shall i bust out the counting crows for you all?
Oh SNAP, I think we just served by that half of jo-na. To be fair, I'm the only one who said anything about teenage detectives. That's Veronica Mars, the greatest show currently on television. And I think I love Veronica more than Buffy, but it's pretty close.
I'm not sure I'd call Buffy precocious. I hope my use of the word "angst" hasn't cheapened things. It's a more fundamental pain that Counting Crows pain. -sm
i agree.
buffy and counting crows do not represent the same kind of angst.
buffy's issues are pretty specific - "why can't i be in a healthy relationship?" "why did my friends have to bring me back from the dead?" "why i am stuck with the slaying gig when all i want to do is go to the mall?"
so i suppose this could also be described as whiny... but the counting crows are also, unambiguously whiny...
but they're not the same. really.
I guess I focus more on Angel's angst: I killed so many people; I'm such a monster; I've been fighting my urge to kill for hundreds of years; I can't be with the one I love because it turns me into the evil monster; I'm so hot it hurts. I don't know who can encompass that angst, but it's got to be someone cooler than the Crows.
We should put a spoiler warning on this post. And I'm only 1/4 of the way through season 3--please don't tell me anything that I don't already know!
That's crazy! I can't believe they just left the box on your doorstep like that. It was a giant deal when I ordered my laptop and then wanted to, you know, actually receive it. Especially since it got shipped to my house, not place of work. Glad you got your computer, though.
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