Monday, September 18, 2006


over brats and beer at my blgomate's house last night i decided that twinset, twinset's husband and i had officially become honorary midwesterners. we didn't meet much protest from the chicago/wisconsin cohort - i guess people are always happy to have accomplices in brat eating and beer drinking.

but i still have some adjusting to do, as i had to take pause after reading this sentence in the paper this morning: "[barack] obama, who was the featured speaker at sen. tom harkin's annual steak fry, has repeatedly said his not a presidential candidate for 2008..."

sen. tom harkin's annual steak fry?!?


Unknown said...

Steak fry? Must be an Iowan thing.

Anonymous said...

Check out for the full scoop on the 29th Harkin Steak Fry