Thursday, January 04, 2007


a few months ago we ran a piece on hangover movies which, in my humble estimation, went over really well. less well received (but much more entertaining) have been my blogmate's witty and sardonic digs at indie rockers and the people who love them.

my relationship with indie rock (and with hangovers) is complicated. i feel i should resist, but i can't. ultimately it's unavoidable; if you have a vague aspirations of coolness, but really don't want to work that hard it's the way to go. i'll leave it at that, since i just convinced n to join me at the buffy sing-along and i don't want to piss him off (how much would it suck to go to the midnight showing of "once more with feeling" alone?).

so i offer my nominations for reigning best hangover music and open the floor to discussion:

franz ferdinand
modest mouse
the killers


Anonymous said...

um, that buffy thing should be kept hush-hush, by the way. Also, you should know that i'll have been drinking for six hours straight before we go. And possibly wearing a disguise.

As for hangover music, it largely depends on how bad the hangover is (ranging from 'yeah, I don't think i'll go out for Indian food for lunch today' to 'if i lie perfectly still on the couch for the next five hours I may not vomit.') Anything termed 'hangover music' should rightly be listened to on the far right side of the spectrum.

As for me, I use the following formula:

H = BU - A

or, Hangover Music equals 'Break-up Music' minus 'Angry Music'.

When hungover, you don't want anything too peppy or happy, i.e. you don't want to hear 'Walking on Sunshine' when both walking and sunshine may make you nauseous. The category of B-U Music serves well for this purpose, but you have to take out the loud/angry songs (aka the 'fuck you, bitch') songs with heavy beats and fast paces (aka all punk and rap). You'll be left with a lot of sad bastard music, but that can help you feel sorry for yourself, and for your poor innocent liver.

So what are we left with?

-wussy singer/songwriter music (aka Elliot Smith)
-heavily orchestrated twee (aka Belle and Sebastian, Mercury Rev)
-all classic country, and especially country rock (aka Flying Burrito Brothers)

FYI, the best hangover music from 2006 was Cat Power's album.

Also, the Killers make me feel sick whenever I hear them, so I don't think they'd make the cut.

Anonymous said...

Um, it would not suck at all to go to the Buffy Singalong alone because the people who attend are so Our People, you won't even believe how much fun you'll have. I don't recall if I told you this already, but when I went in NYC, the girls on my left were discussing the finer plot points of the Hearst rapist mystery arc of Veronica Mars, season 3, and the people (full-on adults, mind you) behind me said, "See, that's why 'Bring It On' is like the best movie, ever." N., your embarrassment depresses me.

I have nothing to add to the actual topic of the post.


Anonymous said...

at least he called you back. i drove all the way to chicago and he never gave me the time of day...

BUT great breakfast to j!!

mao (like mayonnaise:)