Wednesday, January 09, 2008

breakfast in bangkok

so screwed up from time change and travel, i was wide awake at 3 this morning, up and out by 6:45. perfect timing for the first batch of the thai version of friend breakfast dough (is it universally true that all cultures have some donut equivalent?) and iced coffee. also good timing to catch the dregs of the banglamphu party scene - so far i've abstained from the beer (singha) and nightclub circuit, perhaps for good reason given the legions of still drunk frat boys staggering around the street with skanky thai women on their arms. ew, but good for me, as the companionless drunk boys apparently feel compelled to make idle conversation with bright eyed bushy tailed sober people like me.

not as weighty as carbon footprinting, perhaps, but who wants to leave memories of such poor taste and judgement in his wake?

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