Sunday, November 14, 2004

bring the troops back home

this has nothing to do with the recent election.

my mild-mannered boyfriend (mb, henceforth referred to as mmmb), is engaged in a full-out war. seems that at a recent work conference, mmmb ate lunch with an acquaintance who turns out to be a raving right-wing christian evangelist lunatic. rrwcel asked mmmb if he was saved, mmmb told rrwcel that he most certainly was, thank you, and from there it went downhill. rrwcel told mmmb it wasn't good enough to just be saved, that mmmb wasn't nearly sorry enough for his sins, and that mmmb having led an appropriately mild-mannered life without major rebellion or drug addiction from which to repent definitely meant he was going to hell.

rrwcel really picked the wrong guy to try and save, as mmmb is already a reasonably religious lutheran-school-educated guy (rrlseg? no, i'll stop). but mmmb is not a lover of this or any other rrwcel's, and so the two of them are now in full e-mail war in which mmmb sends rrwcel quotes from zen buddhists, marilyn manson, homosexual mystics, and the bible, and rrwcel emails him back re-affirming his going-to-hell-ness with out-of-context quotes from corinthians. i am not a lover of rrwcels either, but i am a lover of mmmb, and i'm getting a little worried that a lynch mob is about to form at mmmb's door. does he qualify for the witness protection program??

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