Monday, November 15, 2004

sweet and sour rant #1

not to be trite, but i really don't understand guys at all. i'm really not a man-hater. i'm not. i think it's silly. but what am i supposed to make of this?

flashback: girl with recently acquired new boyfriend meets cute, slightly punkish guy at a wedding a few years ago. stag to the wedding, of course, on account of the newness of boyfriend. realizes she's flirting more than she should be and gets her faithful ex-roommate from college to bail her out and escort her drunk ass back to hotel room before she gets into trouble. boy calls a few weeks later and she dodges. the end...

just kidding. years and a couple of boyfriends later other college friend (the one who was getting married before, not that it matters) discovers that boy and girl are living parallel lonely lives in the big city and meddles. boy sends girl endearing email, stopping shy of "i never stopped thinking about you," settling on "maybe we could get coffee or something." girl is intrigued. writes back... enter the mailer demon who eats girl's first attempts at answering said endearing email. after much difficulty the two finally manage a pretty lively email exchange. feels a little too much like online dating but girl goes with it. guy never mentions hanging out and disappears... girl makes a good party story out of weirdo guy who asked her out and took it back. a little flabbergasted, really, that boy sought her out and then rejected her. moves on. goes back to stalking her favorite clown. the end...

just kidding. 3 weeks (or so) later, boy reappears with extra-lame email (they were all pretty lame, to be honest). sorry for the radio silence. blah blah blah. what has girl been up to. still no mention of hanging out.

are you kidding me?!?

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