Saturday, December 18, 2004

hot sync this

i like to think of myself as a hip, modern sort of girl. i have a slick little lap-top with so many shiny little peripheral accoutrements that i had to go out and buy a USB hub. actually, i didn't go out at all thanks to my friend, but i was proud of myself for having the knowledge of, and need for a USB hub. that said, i've never really been much of a techie, and i use my little gadgets with only marginal proficiency. at a lecture the other day when the prof said something about "anyone who can program a VCR can do this," i was privately embarassed- i don't know if ever got that down and now i don't even own a VCR. so when my palm pilot died a sudden, tragic death a few months ago, after a few weeks of adjustment, i got back in the habbit of making little lists in my little calendar and was starting to enjoy the satifaction of physically crossing things off and having a place to stick all my little post-its with important pieces of information on them (palm pilots don't work well for that). but now i have a new palm pilot that is, of course, much more sophisticated and is requiring me to learn a whole new grafitti alphabet and for the life of me i haven't had a chance to read the instruction manual. i don't know what made me think it was a good time to buy that MP3 player i've had my eye on. i can't even make it talk to the computer so i'm stuck listening to the weirdo music that came preprogramed. ever tried running to india arie?
add this to my growing pile of evidence that progress stinks.

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