bonus side of mb's new degree program: proximity to new stuff. last night we rewarded ourselves with drinks at the VERY next-to-john-marshall-law-school plymouth bar, which has a rooftop terrace overlooking the back of the library. lots of bonus points for my manhattan in a plastic martini glass (somehow cheaper than their wine??) and view of the gargoyles.

which brings me to a question: if you lived in an apartment downtown, would it be a plus or a minus in your book to have your window directly across from one of the gargoyles? i could totally see greeting it like an attentive pet or nosy neighbor every morning: "hello, mr. gargoyle! how 'bout the weather today? that's a good gargoyle..." but imagine having very creepy dreams at night.

My apartment basically looked out at the gargoyles. Plus. -sm
oooh, someone who's actually qualified to comment (unlike me)! did it make you feel creepy staring them in the eye? are they actually even gargoyles? do they have faces?
btw, welcome back from the email void of pending homelessness. are you unemployed yet? ;)
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