Wednesday, October 03, 2007

how you get a three-day hangover

well, the wedding was a success, and mb and i did not, as my blogmate feared, die in some tragic fall from a cliff in northern minnesota on our honeymoon. there are too many great things to write about, so this will have to happen in stages. i was thinking not chronologically, but conceptually:

theme #1: booze, and the weakness of late 20s-early 30-somethings despite our collegiate yearnings

by wednesday night prior to the wedding, i had high hopes for our cocktail-drinking abilities, since after the aforementioned wine/cheese/pedicure party we headed for a post-party with the boys (mb and my new sister-in-law's fiance, dr) at junior's for their half-price appetizers and half-price martinis and mojitos... i ended the night really convinced that the answer to feeling better after my passion-fruit and regular mojitos was to rinse it down with jameson on the rocks. no problem. should have taken my blogmate's slightly-earlier retirement for the evening as a wise sign that these things should end earlier (and with less whiskey).

friday morning as mb and i were packing the car, our neighbor michelle woke up and walked outside to double over laughing on the stairs at mb carting an entire plastic crate of hard liquor out to the trunk. apparently this didn't look like classy wedding supplies... pictures were taken. faces changed to protect the innocent.

friday night looked promising, with lots of beer at the local golf course bar (thankfully not much until later, after we could direct mb's brother- and sister-in-law who finally made it into town through the pouring rain). some fun antagonizing of the passive-aggressive owner/manager with bill-haggling, $2.50 tyranena scotch ale pints, making fun of the bartender who poured on-the-rocks drinks into steaming hot glassware. about 2 hours after the bar actually ran out of enough glassware to deal with us, we retired to the b&b. drinking continued with said plastic crate; incriminating picture taken around 2-3 am, involving the best man's 2-month-old son (the best man was the instigator).

saturday tapered off. those of us who went golfing in the morning had a good time with the beer-cart girl (thanks to jamie, who instructed her by hole 3 that she was NOT coming around enough and needed to stick with us). for the record, the beer-cart girl had nothing to do with the final head injury to the maid of honor (more on that later). thanks to jk and kk for being our official keg-fetchers, and for supplying the coors light cans for race refreshments for mb's super-fantastic 5k wedding run! but somehow, even with almost 60 people at the rehearsal picnic, and a ceremonial keg-tapping of the capital amber around 5pm, it took the guys a long time to make even a dent in the keg.

sunday was beautiful. the ceremony was great, so i'm told. but people -- the bartender frankly mocked me for our weak showing. apparently a wedding weekend with kegs and crates of hard liquor results in you all being a very cheap date come sunday. however, after everyone left and the reception had been disassembled, the tapper was still in place. thanks, heidel house! mb and i sat on the porch with leftover beer and cheesecake for another 3 hours. my favorite part was mb pushing me around the lobby on the luggage cart. i really also enjoy evening weddings, but there's something to be said for all of the guests leaving by 2-3 pm...

i promise, the wedding was actually tasteful and quite beautiful and i wouldn't have wanted it any other way. but you don't want to see those pictures first, do you?


Anonymous said...

you wouldn't think it; but drinking straight from the tap is really hard.

Anonymous said...

It is only hard because you didn't have enough to start with. BikeMyers