Sunday, January 02, 2005

dick clark had a stroke?

apparently i'm even more behind the times than my blogmate...
and feeling a little deflated. it seems that my love life is lackluster enough that it's improvement made it's way onto someone else's new year's resolutions (though arguably we spend so much time together that we can have collective resolutions).
every year i have the same, boring resolutions. stop biting nails. go to the gym. eat right. i think it's time i buffed them up a little. so here goes.
1) load up my MP3 player with music that is actually good. or really, not actively bad. even if it's for working out, there's no excuse for the amount of brittney spears on there.
2) spend more time in wisconsin. specifically, check out appleton (and the houdini museum), indoor water park, milwaukee brewhouse tour.
3) learn to drink bourbon, whiskey, and scotch without girly mixers.
4) find clown's name
5) befriend hotbutmaybegayindianguy in my building
6) fraternize with shaggy grad students

in other news, i'm a little disappointed in my blogmate's rendition of the bratgrilling story. as a rule she tells much better stories than i do, but i don't think that she did justice to our marathon of eating. there was something in the air that compelled me to suggest standing around in the cold with stupid hats on, drinking beer, staring at the grill (have i mentioned that i want to be from wisconsin?). somehow the plan snowballed into frozen eggrolls, postickers, brats, corn, upscale fries, lowbrow applecrisp and coolwhip. we sat around for hours eating what was, in retrospect, a really disgusting meal (delicious, but disgusting), totally engrossed in competitive highschool cheerleading. did i mention we were drinking heavily? clearly we lost all the style points we got for highbrowing the tiny lounge and having such a riproaring time in roscoe village the other night, but it was worth it.

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