Thursday, January 20, 2005

no stone left unturned

i walked into my office yesterday morning to the very excited announcement by my blogmate and one of the secretaries (the one who's always being hit on by one of our coworkers) that they had found the chicago rugby team.

i was enthusiastic about it. "i would love to play rugby!" i announced. it had never occurred to me, but maybe playing contact sports will make all my problems go away (as opposed to, let's say, j-date).

"no, no" they told me, "we don't want to play rugby, we want to gawk at hot rugby players." so i abandoned my new career as a rugby player and got on the internet to find out about the chicago lions rugby club. while there are no games until late march, there was the very friendly, and i'm sure personal invite to go hang out with the chicago lions at their favorite bar. you bet we're going to take them up on it.

so now i've created a little contradiction for myself. i won't look for love online because i think it's pathetic, but i will stalk the chicago rugby team, thinking that it will make all my problems go away. i'd be disapointed with myself except that this plan may actually be a step up from swooning over a professional clown, willfully going after an unhinged architect, or letting myself go gaga over new guy in the office without bothering to find out that he's a moron.

i have nowhere to go but up.

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