Wednesday, February 23, 2005

love in the time of google

in my low-intensity stalking of the double indian neurolgists i have, at various points, googled them. it turns out that both of them have many many counterparts running around out there. for example, google "sujeet krishnan" and you get 6 million hits. a humorously large subset of these hits are for websites like "" the point of this is that while, in my stalking, i've never come across any useful or interesting information about my "sujeet krishnan," i've found many other sujeet krishnan's who are "30, never married, and looking to settle down." i've also found that "sandeep pai" is a world-renowned expert in breast augmentation surgery, an IT consultant at IBM, and "a fine catch from good family."

if you can't be with the one you love... google him on the internet and love one of his clones .

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