Monday, February 21, 2005

well, it wasn't cannes.

what an intellectual weekend.

i can safely say that of the movies watched yesterday, undercover brother was the funniest and had the best plot and dialogue. sad, but it beat our other two lofty choices, soul plane and you got served. you got served would have been fine if nobody talked. overall highlight of the day: my blogmate and i sitting on opposite chairs during soul plane swapping a laptop back and forth while she was trying to fix my new job application (her: "this sentence is awkward." me: "i'm trying to sound dumber.") when mb entered the room, mistook her for me (he only loves me for my laptop?) and snuggled up comfortably at my blogmate's feet. i'm glad they're getting along.

somebody help me pick better movies next weekend.

in a collective attempt not to tell work stories here, i am unable to tell the much more interesting stories from my week with quotes like "what is that foreskin doing here?" and "if you do a girl and she not on the rag, do she get pregnant when you put you nut in her?"

1 comment:

jo-na said...

my blogmate isn't doing it justice.
to be fair, we kept on switching place and passing the laptop back and forth, but when mb came in i swear i saw him survey the room. my other blog half didn't look up at all on account of she was so absorbed in my dumbing down of her essay. anyway, mb took his own sweet time siddling up at my feet as i just sat there wondering if this interesting invasion of my personal space represents my underestimation of his degree of comfort with me or whether the blogmate halves have finally become one (one of our very important bosses has recently decided that we're the same person, so why wouldn't mb?). she didn't look up at all as this was going on and i just sat waiting for his inevitable realization of what was happening. boy was it worth the wait- when he finally turned he had such a pure look of complete betrayal that all i could do was errupt with laughter as he lept up off the floor and hid behind her on the couch.