Wednesday, February 16, 2005

sex in the windy city

here's a story: i'm at the drug store with one of my girlfriends the other day. she's got a small assortment of items, including a box of tampons, which of course, won't scan. "you don't know how much these are, do you?" "no, i'm sorry i don't." off goes the checkout guy to price check the tampons, as a massive line forms behind us. checkout guy comes back, followed by assistant manager guy (picture 20 year old college drop-out) who starts flirting with us, "why did you scare my cashier away," he says with cute smile, as said cashier is busily filling out the item description on the special receipt for the tampon mishap. my friend, of course, is completely unruffled, and find myself lost in thought, wondering if events in my life aren't starting to resemble those of a well known HBO series to which i am now addicted (minus the $400 gucci shoes and debaucherous behavior).

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