Tuesday, February 22, 2005

love the one you're almost with

what would it say about me if, in my search for love, i decided to substitute one slightly nerdy indian neurologist for another?

i'm afraid i've done just that.

after swooning over the one for months and months and getting absolutely nowhere (the snag in the carpet was his insidious girlfriend) i stumbled upon another and thought, "what the hell, he'd never have to know that he wasn't the first."

not that there's really any story to tell about slightly-nerdy-indian-neurologist #2 either. like the other one, at best he knows my name and might stop to say hi if he ran into me at bar (assuming for a second that i actually went to bars occasionally and didn't just work, sleep, and watch dismally bad movies with my blogmate).

to be fair (to myself), there are subtle differences. slight-nerdy-indian-neurologist #2 is actually slightly more nerdy and than slightly-nerdy-indian-neurologist #1. #2 doesn't dress as well as #1, but to be honest, #1 dresses well enough to be off-putting (while the well-dressed young indian metro-sexual guy is a well-known entity in chicago, populating many a boom-boom techno club and dimly lit martini bar, he's never been quite my style). most importantly, i think my "in" with #2 is less tenuous (friend of a friend vs casual work acquaintance) and he seems a little more accessible.

i'd worry that i was sinking too low, but could this possibly be more ridiculous than my having fallen in love with a second clown?

1 comment:

jo-na said...

the important question here: is indian neurologist #2 a shaggy indian neurologist? is that as good as a shaggy grad student? can indian neurologists be shaggy? or is that a contradiction like well-dressed clowns?